Building Secure Healthcare Applications:
Best Practices For Data Protection


Security is not just important; it's paramount in healthcare applications. With the extensive digitization of medical records and information, applications play a crucial role in safeguarding this medical information. Patient information, personal health records, and treatment details- all of this data must be kept confidential. The privacy of each patient and the integrity of the healthcare system must be protected at all costs. It's not just a requirement; it's a responsibility we all share.
It’s crucial to safeguard patient data. The high-profile Wall Street Journal report traces the aftermath of a 2013 data breach involving 85 local and federal government agencies across the US, including state bureaus of vital records, to a single compromised terminal in a fertility doctor’s office at the University of California Los Angeles, where much of that data was first collected. Data breaches can result in costly fines, liability cases, bad publicity, cash theft, and much more. However, the stakes for the privacy and safety of patients could be much higher. As these institutions increasingly rely on technology to improve care, it's important to recognize that the same technology that connects millions of people and processes trillions of dollars also secures thousands of lives every second. Embracing technological advancements is not just a choice but a necessity in the healthcare sector.
We will address best practices for creating secure healthcare applications. The security of healthcare applications is of vital importance for protecting the sensitive medical information, such as treatment records and bank data, of all patients. However, it's equally important to ensure that this security does not compromise the user experience. We will discuss some of the best practices that will make applications more secure against data theft and unauthorized access by cyber attackers. These best practices, if strictly followed, can make healthcare applications more secure for us as they are expected to follow regulatory compliance and are responsible for providing a secure application with a superior user experience, ensuring that the end-users feel safe and reassured.

Understanding the security landscape in healthcare

The cybersecurity environment for healthcare is rife with multiple sources of threats, as detailed below:

Because of these risks, healthcare organizations must follow strict rules designed to protect patient data. In the United States, the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) codifies detailed rules for securing \electronic health information, requiring ‘covered entities’ to control access to patient information to ‘ensure the integrity, confidentiality, and security of such information.’ Similarly, in Europe, the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) serves as one of the main frameworks for data protection, requiring secure handling of personal data and explicitly giving individuals more control of their own data. Both HIPAA and GDPR require robust security practices and apply steep penalties for non-compliance.
When breaches occur in the healthcare sector, lives hang in the balance. Providers face fines, criminal or civil charges, and even lawsuits; if their integrity and adequacy of service are undermined, they lose patients' trust and, in today’s tight private practice market, they may be unable to survive. For patients, data breaches can lead to identity theft, financial fraud and the loss of privacy. Most importantly, security is required not just to comply with regulatory regimes but also to protect the integrity of patient care and the trust between provider and patient, which is ultimately what it is all about.

Best practices for securing healthcare applications

Secure application design

Secure Application Design starts with secure coding practices. Adopting security coding practices is crucial in mitigating the risk of vulnerabilities introduced at the application development phase. By following well-established secure coding guidelines and frameworks (e.g., OWASP), we can design and develop applications that avoid common coding vulnerabilities that could lead to attacks. Security flaws must be prevented early rather than reactively addressed. By implementing secure coding practices in software development, primary care organizations can curb the risk of security vulnerabilities introduced during application development.
Additional features of secure application design involve regular security audits and code reviews. These security audits happen regularly and involve documenting and validating the security posture of an application during its lifecycle. Specifically, security audits help you to identify vulnerabilities in your application before they can be exploited. Meanwhile, code reviews happen periodically during development and post-deployment. Human security experts can perform reviews or be automated using automated testing tools.
Second, since patient data is subject to many copies and transfers around a complex healthcare ecosystem, encryption should always be used for data at rest and in motion. This applies to all electronically protected health information (ePHI) instances found within a HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act) enterprise and its business associates. Cryptography stores data in an unreadable form to limit the accessibility of information to unauthorized parties; this is called encryption. For data at rest, encryption should be used to help mitigate unauthorized access to stored information through protocols such as the NIST’s Advanced Encryption Standard (AES). For data in motion, encryption to protocols such as TLS (Transport Layer Security), formerly known as SSL or Secure Sockets Layer, is used to secure and hide data moving between systems, thereby mitigating access through interception and alteration within the network.

Access controls and authentication

Access controls and authentication serve as vital checkpoints in healthcare apps; indeed, stringent user authentication might be the first line of defense against an adversary who wants to access your application. Perhaps the best way to achieve this is by leveraging multi-factor authentication (MFA), or ‘2 factor’, which prompts the user to validate their identity using a combination of authentication ‘factors’. For example, a password constitutes a ‘something you know’ factor, while a fingerprint or retina scan, as well as one-time passcodes transmitted to a mobile device, can be categorized into ‘something you are’ and ‘something you have’ respectively.
Role-based access control (RBAC) is another essential practice for data security. Concretely, an RBAC system ties users’ access permissions with their roles and restricts data access to only include information about jobs for which the user is responsible. For example, a medical technician will be able to see and process test results from a patient but not administrative or billing data. This approach reduces the odds of data espionage because only as many users as necessary can see or handle any piece of information, considering the principle of least privilege.
Access controls rely on timely maintenance, particularly keeping user accounts and associated access rights up to date. In this regard, it is important to update the actual information in user accounts when an employee changes role, leaves your organization, or a new member of staff is hired. Furthermore, it is useful to carry out periodical reviews of user accounts. During such reviews, wrongly set access rights can be corrected to align with your staff's current access rights. As a consequence, this reduces the number of inappropriate permissions and also ensures that incorrectly set permissions from the past will be revoked. This ongoing management of access rights, therefore, reduces the risk that an unauthorized party will gain access to your patient's records, thereby preventing a data breach.

Data encryption and protection

Data confidentiality is essential to protect sensitive healthcare data in applications. Encryption of the information during rest and in motion is needed to comply with regulations and prevent the theft of confidential data. During the rest phase, the confidential data is stored in servers, databases, and devices. Encrypting such information at rest protects it in the event of physical access to these storage devices. In the in-motion scenario, an end-to-end encryption scheme is needed so that confidential data can be protected when it’s in flight between users, systems, or networks. It’s common to exchange sensitive information such as medical records or personal identifiers between mobile devices and servers, but for security purposes, one doesn’t want such information to be intercepted or tampered with in flight.
Data protection, in turn, entails the use of secure encryption protocols, such as the Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) protocol, for encrypting data at rest, providing strong confidentiality and security against brute-force attacks, which remains essentially secure for a very long time when properly implemented. When deploying encrypted channels for data-in-transit, TLS is the protocol of choice, providing confidentiality and integrity of communication between two parties across a network, securing the channels against eavesdropping and man-in-the-middle attacks. Indeed, these well-known and rigorously tested encryption protocols should be used to build healthcare applications to ensure that patient information remains confidential and secure throughout its lifetime.

Compliance with regulations

Ensuring regulation compliance is important to ensure that the patient data received, stored, and transmitted by a healthcare application is respectful of legal and moral standards. Healthcare patient data is particularly sensitive, so compliance with laws such as the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) in the United States and the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) in the European Union is especially important to protect the privacy of the patients and the security of the information. These laws often contain specific requirements regarding the treatment and exchange of patient data describing the nature of the protection measures to be taken, for example, including encryption, access controls, audit trails, and so on. Not only is this type of law compliance legally required, but it is integral to maintaining trust with the patients providing the highly sensitive information.
Regular compliance assessments of healthcare applications are instrumental in keeping them compliant with regulatory protocols on an ongoing basis. A compliance assessment requires a review of an application’s security measures, policies, and procedures to identify possible gaps in compliance and provide suggestions for how to address them. Knowing exactly where they stand on a regular basis when properly audited gives organizations the advantage of working to remedy any possible security vulnerabilities and to keep their security practices in line with regulatory updates. Regular assessment of compliance will also prepare organizations for audits by a regulatory body and lower the likelihood that they will be subject to penalties or fines by that body for non-compliance.
Finally, keeping track of changes to regulations, especially those such as HIPAA and GDPR that butt against the fraying seams of changing technologies will help maintain ongoing compliance as such laws undergo periodic amendments to address emerging challenges. What’s more, abreast knowledge about new industry standards and trends will also enable organizations to keep their information security defenses at the cutting edge, going well beyond the strict legal mandates imposed by regulators to effectively protect patient data and keep their information systems thoroughly secure over the long run.

Secure third-party integrations

This need for uncompromised third-party integrations becomes more important with every passing day as healthcare applications increasingly rely on third-party APIs and services for the additional functionality they add to an app. It is crucial to perform a security assessment of all third-party components before integrating them into a healthcare system. This includes looking at the provider’s security practices, whether they comply with regulations such as HIPAA or GDPR, and how they handle and protect sensitive data. A thorough security assessment helps to identify security pitfalls and mitigate the risks of choosing a third-party service that might expose the healthcare application to security vulnerabilities through compromise.
Another critical step in securing healthcare data sharing with third-party services is implementing secure API gateways. API gateways are the single secure entry and exit point for all interactions between the healthcare application and the third-party services and can manage and control all the traffic between all the various APIs from these services. They can also enforce authentication, encryption, and rate limiting of all inbound and outbound data, thus ensuring that data is transferred to and from authorized users and applications and no unauthorized access can occur since the third-party services cannot interact directly with the healthcare application.
Once a successful integration has been completed, throttling third-party access to healthcare data and managing it prudently is an ongoing dynamic process. Third-party access into production environments needs to be audited on a regular cadence, data usage needs to be tracked, and the third-party service provider stays active on a daily basis to ensure that services are continually delivered in a secure manner.


In summary, securing healthcare applications plays a crucial role in protecting patient data and ensuring the credibility of healthcare services. When healthcare technology companies adopt best practices such as designing secure applications, enforcing strong access controls, encrypting data, complying with legal and regulatory requirements, and wisely managing the use of third-party integrations, healthcare organizations will be able to mitigate the risk of hacking and data breaches. This goes a long way towards ensuring that any patient and doctor data is protected and that healthcare applications continue to serve their purpose for years to come. Achieving best practices for protecting our data in healthcare technology is paramount in delivering safe, reliable, and compliant care in today’s digital world.